Robust Artificial Intelligence Solutions
for Healthcare and Industry

Innovative and versatile AI
Innovative and versatile AI
Our AI and Machine Learning solutions solve difficult problems in healthcare and industry based on multi-modal tabular, imaging and sequential data
Robust and trustworthy
Robust and trustworthy
Our AI solutions are technically and socially robust and comply with the most stringent AI regulation and ethical guidelines. This includes a unique support for the Right for Explanation stipulated by the GDPR
Explainable and precise
Explainable and precise
Our Deeply Explainable Artificial Neural Networks (DxANN) technology makes Deep Learning models intrinsically explainable by pointing out the data that caused the AI decisions and predictions. DxANN also offers superior precision and learning performance compared to standard Deep Learning networks
Privacy and security
Privacy and security
Our AI solutions preserve privacy and security of sensitive data using advanced cryptography, privacy-enhancing technologies and federated learning methods and architectures
AI-assisted medicine

Privacy-preserving explainable AI solutions for early diagnosis, treatment response prediction, biomarker discovery and drug development

AI predictive maintenance and quality control

Identification of causes of deviation in manufacturing processes, and prediction of maintenance for manufacturing and energy generation equipment

Our technology and expertise

Cutting-edge AI

Leveraging the latest advancements in artificial intelligence to deliver innovative real-world solutions.

Secure and privacy-armored

Our solutions are strengthened by cryptographic cyber protection and privacy enforcement technologies.

Deeply explained Deep Learning

Our unique DxANN technology creates Deep Learning models that explain their decisions to end-users.

Product and solution focus

Our product and solution management expertise enables development of effective and practical end-to-end solutions.

Robust and ethical AI

Our AI methodologies create solutions that are technically robust, resilient to cyber attacks and free of unethical bias.

Dedicated and collaborative team

Our team of top notch researchers and developers provides as strong, cohesive mix of expertise and collaborates closely with the target domain experts.

UI/UX Design

Build the product you need on time with an experienced team that uses a clear and effective design process.

Dedicated Team

Build the product you need on time with an experienced team that uses a clear and effective design process.

Our projects and collaborations

TRUMPET is developing an Armored Federated Learning platform that revolutionizes digital health by allowing training AI models simultaneously on data of multiple medical centers, while preserving patient privacy. The use cases are lung cancer clustering and improvement of radiotherapy treatment.

FLUTE is a technological initiative that transforms healthcare via data altruism and privacy preservation. Employing advanced Artificial Intelligence technologies and federating learning over data of three major European medical centers in Spain, Belgium and Italy, FLUTE supports early diagnosis of clinically significant Prostate Cancer while preventing unnecessary biopsies.


PharmaLedger is a blockchain-based distributed Digital Trust Ecosystem for the pharmaceutic industry. It allows collaboration in building healthcare solutions that put patients first and create added value for all. Developed in an IMI project by a strong multi-disciplinary team of technology, research and pharma companies, PharmaLedger platform is now operated by the PharmaLedger Association.

OPERANDO project created a set of advanced tools for online privacy, both in commercial websites and government or public administration sites. Using advanced anonymization and encryption technologies, OPERANDO created dedicated online services and applications for protecting the citizens’ privacy under citizens’ control.

The Joint Industrial Data Exchange Platform creates a digital space where industrial data are available for sharing and connecting manufacturers from different sectors into a collaborative, mutually beneficial knowledge and data-sharing relationship. Advanced ontology and knowledge sharing technologies are employed to support effective manufacturing recyclability strategies.

WeldGalaxy project created a digital B2B online platform that connects welding industry end-users with equipment and consumable manufacturers, suppliers, distributors, and technology and service providers. The platform contains a leading edge knowledge-based welding engineering toolset and services.

Gastejo project researched the creation of a public blockchain-based decentralized platform that connects vacation apartment owners and managers directly with consumers, while creating a global travel inventory, cutting costs and improving trust and service.